Round 썸네일형 리스트형 [HackerRank][SQL][JOIN] Average Population of Each Continent - 컴도리돌이 Average Population of Each Continent | HackerRank Query the names of all continents and their respective city populations, rounded down to the nearest integer. Problem Given the CITY and COUNTRY tables, query the names of all the continents (COUNTRY.Continent) and their respective average city populations (CITY.Population) rounded down to the nearest integer. Note: CITY.Countr.. 더보기 [HackerRank][SQL][Aggregation] Weather Observation Station 18 - 컴도리돌이 Weather Observation Station 18 | HackerRank Query the Manhattan Distance between two points, round or truncate to 4 decimal digits. Problem Consider P1(a,b) and P2(c,d) to be two points on a 2D plane. a happens to equal the minimum value in Northern Latitude (LAT_N in STATION). b happens to equal the minimum value in Western Longitude (LONG_W in STATION). c happens to equal th.. 더보기 [HackerRank][SQL][Aggregation] Weather Observation Station 17 - 컴도리돌이 Weather Observation Station 17 | HackerRank Query the Western Longitude for the smallest value of the Northern Latitudes greater than 38.7780 in STATION and round to 4 decimal places. Problem Query the Western Longitude (LONG_W)where the smallest Northern Latitude (LAT_N) in STATION is greater than 38.7780 . Round your answer to 4 decimal places. -> lat_n 이 38.7780보다 큰 lat_n중에.. 더보기 [HackerRank][SQL] Weather Observation Station 16 - 컴도리돌이 Weather Observation Station 16 | HackerRank Query the smallest of STATION's Northern Latitudes that is greater than 38.7780, and round to 4 decimal places Problem Query the smallest Northern Latitude (LAT_N) from STATION that is greater than 38.7780 . Round your answer to 4 decimal places. -> 38.7780 보다 큰 lat_n 중에서 가장 작은 값을 소수점 4자리에서 반올림하여 출력하시오. Answer select round(min(lat_n).. 더보기 [HackerRank][SQL] Weather Observation Station 15 - 컴도리돌이 Weather Observation Station 15 | HackerRank Query the Western Longitude for the largest Northern Latitude under 137.2345, rounded to 4 decimal places. Problem Query the Western Longitude (LONG_W) for the largest Northern Latitude (LAT_N) in STATION that is less than 137.2345 . Round your answer to 4 decimal places. -> lat_n이 137.2345보다 작은 값중에서 제일 큰 lat_n을 가진 long_w를 소수점 4자리에서 .. 더보기 [HackerRank][SQL] Weather Observation Station 2 - 컴도리돌이 Weather Observation Station 2 | HackerRank Write a query to print the sum of LAT_N and the sum of LONG_W separated by space, rounded to 2 decimal places. Problem 1. The sum of all values in LAT_N rounded to a scale of 2 decimal places. ->LAT_N의 모든 값의 합은 소수점 2자리 척도로 반올림하시오. 2. The sum of all values in LONG_W rounded to a scale of 2 decimal places. ->LONG_W의 모든 값의 합은 소수점 2자리 척도로.. 더보기 이전 1 다음